Remote Workshops
Getting Things Done met workshop facilitatie voor jouw team.
Remote workshops waar je van 💛.
Eén workshop bespaart uren meetings
Maar, de kosten van een slecht uitgevoerde workshop is niet alleen verspilde tijd; het is ook een gemiste kans voor samenwerking, innovatie en alignment.
Agile Arthur ontwerpt en faciliteert jouw workshops
Neem een abonnement & krijg vier workshops per maand, gefaciliteerd door Arthur.
Ontvang je workshop agenda gemiddeld binnen een paar werkdagen.
We verbeteren de workshop agenda samen, totdat je 100% tevreden bent.

Michael Musandu
Help je team om hun beste werk te doen
Krijg deze workshop, plus vele andere hoogwaardige workshops — die je team helpen om te focussen op de inhoud (in plaats van zich druk te maken om het proces). Voor een vast maandelijks bedrag.
Asynchrone voorbereiding
Zit je al in teveel meetings? Wij ook! De top-notch workshops worden volledig async voorbereid.
Van 3 tot 50 deelnemers
Nodig je hele team uit, zodat iedereen kan bijdragen, samenwerken en afstemmen.
Get Things Done met workshops
De Miro workshops zijn praktisch en houden iedereen betrokken en participerend.
Workshop Backlog
Add as many workshop requests to your backlog as you'd like.
Lightning fast delivery
Get your workshop one at a time in just a few days on average.
Fixed monthly rate
No surprises here! Pay the same fixed price each month.
Top-notch quality
Insane workshop quality at your fingertips whenever you need it.
Flexible and scalable
Scale up or down as needed, and pause or cancel at anytime.
Unique and all yours
Each of your workshops is made especially for you and is 100% yours.
Team Building, Strategy, Goal-setting & veel meer.
Memberships levels
Choose a plan that fits your needs & budget.
Actually, back in 2008, that's how I got started with workshops myself! Preparing and running workshops is a skill that can be trained and improved — one workshop at a time.
But every hour put into learning how to get better at workshops, is an hour you can't put into the actual work. Plus, the cost of a poorly executed workshop is not only time wasted; it's also missed opportunities for collaboration, innovation, and alignment.
Good question! In most organisations, a workshop facilitator is not a full-time job. It's something people do on top of their already busy calendars. This means it's hard to properly prepare meetings and workshops, which results in wasted time during the meetings. Also it's difficult to "get many reps in" (as in: facilitate a lot of workshops).
If you do have enough "workshop demand" in your organisation, than the annual cost of a full-time senior-level facilitator now exceeds $100,000, plus benefits (if you're able to find one).
With the monthly plan, you can pause and resume your subscription as often as you need to ensure you're only paying your facilitator when you have work available for them.
Once subscribed, you're able to add as many workshop requests to your queue as you'd like, and they will be delivered one by one. With a Standard Plan you can have up to four workshops per month, with the Business Plan it's eight workshops.
On average, the agendas for most workshop requests are completed in just two days or less. However, more complex requests can take longer. When you're 100% satisfied with the workshop design in Miro, your workshop date will be confirmed (often this can be run within a couple of days as well).
Every day of a multi-day workshop counts as one workshop. So as an example, you can do one 4-day Design Sprint per month on the Standard Plan, or two on the Pro Plan.
You'll work directly with me, Agile Arthur, and I will prepare and run your workshops myself. However, for special requests (such as large groups) I might co-facilitate with partner facilitators. If there is any situation in which I cannot facilitate a workshop myself, I will prepare the workshop and one of my partner facilitators will run the workshop.
Yes. By experiencing the way I prepare and run workshops, your team will get an idea of what it takes. If they want learn even more, they can enroll in my Retrospectives course, or Design Sprint Facilitator course.
You may not have enough workshop requests to fill up an entire month. Perhaps you only have one workshop requests at the moment. That's where pausing your subscription comes in handy.
Billing cycles are based on a 31 day period. So, if you sign up and use the service for 21 days, and then decide to pause your subscription — your billing cycle will be paused and you'll have 10 days of service remaining to be used anytime in the future.
All your workshops are designed and facilitated using my Miro (digital whiteboard) and Butter (video conferencing) environments, which are included in your monthly plan. This allows me use all facilitator controls these tools provide.
Google Meet, Zoom or Teams sometimes are also (slightly worse) options, but that depends on your workshop request.
Via your Notion backlog you can request workshops in whatever way works best for you. You can enter it directly in Notion, share a Google Docs or Miro board, or even record a brief Loom video (if you don't like to write your request out). As long as it can be shared in Notion, your request can be handled.
No worries! I'll continue to revise the design until you're 100% satisfied.
That's fine. You can pause your subscription when finished and return when you have additional workshop needs. There's no need to let the remainder of your subscription go to waste.
Due to the high quality nature of the work, there will be no refunds issued.